It is normal that there will be a turnover of volunteers for various reasons.

When a volunteer leaves your club, this is an ideal time to gather information about the volunteer’s experience. Evaluating the reasons why volunteers leave a club can be invaluable for improving your volunteer management practices.

Getting volunteer feedback

One way to collect this information is by getting feedback from volunteers who are leaving your club – or exit interviews. These can be formal or informal, and conducted in person, over the phone or in the form of a feedback sheet that the person sent via email or a few questions via text. Click here for our Volunteer Exit Questionnaire template.

Don’t forget to thank and recognise your volunteers when they leave the club. See our section on Celebrating Volunteers for some ideas.


When a volunteer decides to leave a role, it is important the club plans for their replacement. Where possible, arrange for a hand over between the old and new volunteer to ensure all aspects of the role are covered and a smooth transition takes place.

An Induction Checklist may be handy for this. Click here to view our Induction Checklist template.