Stats Not Displaying Correctly?
Cricket Australia is aware of issues with participants being unable to see their combined statistics in the PlayCricket App, despite completing the CricketID linking process. This is impacting a large number of participants and a fix is in progress. We expect this to be resolved mid-late November. If you are experiencing this issue, please see here for more information and any action you may need to take.

Cricket Australia has recently launched the PlayCricket Support website (formerly MyCricket Support). This is the first point of contact for Association and Club administrators, volunteers, parents and participants for all questions PlayHQ. The site contains a large collection of support articles, walk-throughs, instructional videos and answers to FAQs. You can also raise a support ticket, speak to a customer service team member or book a 1-on-1 support session. Club volunteers are encouraged to use this resource for day-to-day issues and PlayHQ technical issues as a first point of call. For more information visit
For further assistance and Match Day Support, please contact the Cricket Australia Helpdesk. Click here for opening hours and contact details.