The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a leading structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering all young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance.

The Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA) is proud to support The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, a global youth development program empowering young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential.
Cricket Clubs in WA offer a range of diverse and enjoyable opportunities for Duke of Ed Participants to complete their Physical Recreation, Skills and Voluntary Service sections at all levels of the Award.
Our experienced and skilled members meet Working with Children Check requirements and are willing to be a Participant’s Duke of Ed Assessor.
WA Cricket Duke of Edinburgh Award Example Activities
Skills |
Voluntary Service |
Physical Recreation |
Bronze |
Silver |
Gold |
* 1 hour per week, 2 hours per fortnight or 4 hours per 28 days.
* Hours may differ depending on prior completion of an award level
What are the benefits of the Award?
Through this challenging journey of self-discovery, Award Participants:
- Are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best
- Learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices
- Become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community.
- Make a real difference to society through their positive contributions and involvement
- Learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success
- Learn important life skills such as communication, resilience, leadership and teamwork, which increases their career opportunities
- Participate in an international Award in which the value is recognised by employers and tertiary institutions.
What does the Award involve?
The Award is open to young Australians aged 14 to 24, involving three levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold, and four sections (five for gold) to be completed per level – Physical Recreation, Skill, Service, Adventurous Journey, and Residential Project (Gold only). Achieving an Award recognises individual goal setting and self-improvement through persistence and achievement.
For more information about the Award, please visit
Register for the Award
For information on how to commence your Award, please visit
You can then talk to your Club about opportunities available to complete the Physical Recreation, Skills and/or Voluntary Service sections of your award.
Info for Clubs
This is a great opportunity for WA Cricket Clubs to attract young players and volunteers by providing opportunities for Participants to complete their Physical Recreation, Skills and Voluntary Service sections of the Award.
Clubs can sign off on the Participant’s records to verify they have achieved the requirements of The Duke of Ed. Information on how to do this will be provided by the Participant.
Benefits to Clubs
- Attract new young players and volunteers.
- Retain existing young players and volunteers.
- Provide additional value to your young members by developing their teamwork, goal setting, perseverance and leadership skills.
For more information about the Award, please visit
Use this flyer to send to your young players to help promote the Award and volunteering at your Club.
Duke of Edinburgh Physical Recreation – Cricket
Abhaey Ayachit – Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club
I, Abhaey Ayachit, am an enthusiastic cricketer and have been playing the game since I was 7. I was lucky to have the opportunity to play cricket for my Duke of Edinburgh Physical Recreation activity and I chose it due to my love for the game. Cricket is the best sport to establish connections with others as it is a comprehensive team sport. Through the Duke of Ed program, I have learnt the importance of teamwork, communication and how vital it is to enjoy whatever you do. My ultimate goal is to continue club cricket throughout my teenage and adult years, in order to maintain a balanced physical lifestyle. I am proud to be playing with the Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club (WDJCC), and I hope to continue playing with them in the future as well.
Samuel Moolman – Swan Athletic Caversham Cricket Club
I have been playing cricket for as long as I remember, so it was a natural choice to select it for my Duke of Edinburgh sports segment. My goal was to improve my bowling which I did, with 4 wickets for 12 runs off 4 overs with one dropped catch. I was the second best bowler for the season playing in the U17 as a 14 year old. I have learnt a few more tricks for bowling and met some great people.
Seth Cimbaro - Wembley Junior Cricket Club
My name is Seth Cimbaro. Recently I completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award through Scotch College. In order to fulfil the service section of the award I chose to volunteer at the Wembley Junior Cricket Club as an assistant coach.
I had played junior cricket through Wembley Junior Cricket Club so I was pretty familiar with the club and I know that it is a popular and fun club with a strong volunteer ethos. I knew that my Duke of Edinburgh journey would be well supported by Wembley Junior Cricket Club.
My youngest brother was playing Junior Blasters so dad and I approached the club and asked if I could be dad’s assistant team coach for the season in order to complete my service hours.
The coaching sessions are pretty structured so my job each Friday afternoon was to help set up and carry out the training drills provided. I also worked one on one with kids who needed extra support.
It challenged me by showing me that whatever the weather or if I was tired from school or tests during the day, turning up every Friday afternoon to coach was important and necessary because people were relying on me.
I found it interesting to go from being a player to being a volunteer. It’s different to see the planning and preparation that goes into a week as a volunteer, compared with turning up and having a hit when you’re a kid.
Most of all though it was a pretty fun way of fulfilling my service hours. I have two brothers so cricket is a pretty big part of my summer.
I’m grateful that the Wembley Junior Cricket Club gave me the opportunity to learn and contribute and provided a supportive environment for me to complete my Bronze Award.