The specialist school cricket programs aim to develop young cricketers (male and female) by providing them with opportunities to excel in the game through the provision of quality coaching and access to excellent facilities in an educational setting. The programs offer a holistic cricket education that includes coaching, umpiring, history of the game, captaincy and an emphasis on fitness. The programs (run from year 7 to 12) are fully endorsed by WA Cricket and the Department of Education. The coaching staff are highly qualified, as well as being well credentialed educators who bring a love of cricket and a commitment to excellence to the specialist cricket program. Selections are conducted by the cricket coordinators and a reference from a local club/coach/peer is also required. Applicants are put through a comprehensive selection process to ensure that only those students with the right attitudes and abilities needed to be successful in the program are identified. Whilst the selection process is of high importance, anyone with a genuine passion for cricket and a willingness to strive to achieve their best in the sport is encouraged to apply. Our current Specialist Schools are: Belridge Secondary College Kent Street Senior High School John Forrest Secondary College For more information about the courses, contact the School Cricket Coordinators: Scott Ogilvie (Belridge SC) Marc Gardner (John Forrest SHS) David Aldridge (Kent Street SHS) Any students interested in enrolling in a year group beyond Year 7 will need to contact the relevant Cricket Coordinator to enquire if any places are available.